Success in Dubai
Dubai exemplifies the beneficial results of increased ROI through earned media and advertising. The country of Dubai is the artwork of a visionary who believed in a global world of commerce and connectivity. Sharing that belief, we initiated positive outreach efforts that helped reposition and shape the country’s image. We led the first business to business and cultural delegations to the country while it remained in a state of infancy. Our work culminated in a tribute concert supported by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Tourism. Proceeds of the concert were dedicated to supporting children and families critically affected by the 2006 conflict. Our agency alone was responsible for raising over $500,000 for infrastructure improvements and obtaining needed medical equipment and supplies. The concert received international press coverage and helped to elevate Dubai’s standing in the eyes of the world.
According to Forbes Magazine, another important measure of marketing impact is return on opportunity. Our marketing campaign produced the roadmap for continuing investment and strategic planning. This provided the groundwork for Chamber-to-Chamber and Business-to-Business programs that remain in use today – alliances between the US and Dubai that prove the value of strategic public relations investing.